I recently was made aware of a
petition being distributed among students and alumni of the Cleveland Institute of Art regarding a large building proposal to expand one of the two buildings that currently make up its campus.
If you know me, then I don't need to tell you how much I love the city of Cleveland and value my education at CIA, but the more I learned about this building proposal, the more misguided is seemed.
This is what I've pieced together in the past week: CIA unveiled an ambitious plan in
October 2007 designed by Dutch architects MVRDV. Fast forward to
November 2008, and its appears that the Dutch design had gotten too expensive while the school made little progress in the fundraising department. So they re-present a new design with a new big concept:
The banners don't really seem to function as signage or an interactive public art space but as a cheap device to cover up the design underneath. But what is going on underneath there? The banners are not so bad in and of themselves, its the absence of anything beyond that.
We want to see ideas that will make CIA more environmentally progressive and community-oriented. We want the the inside of the school to be all about cutting-edge facilities and spaces that reflect the values of the institute. Obviously, I don't know a great deal about architecture and construction projects like this, but I do know that good design starts from the inside out, not the other way around. Thats something I learned at CIA. Now CIA needs to rethink that lesson for themselves.